Sunday, October 27, 2013


This is an interview with my mom about parenting

Q: What strategies did you use to discipline your kids?
A: Well we didn't hit, thats for sure! The child lost privileges. Sometimes soap in the mouth... just kidding.

Q: How do you maintain a good relationship with your child?
A: Honesty, open communication, try to be very honest, and point out what the objective is.

Q: How to you handle their everyday needs?
A: I do it all! Somehow i manage to keep everyone happy and content... i think.

Q: What's the best part about parenting
A: Having the love of a child.

Q: Is there anything you would do differently?
A: I would've had one more child if i started earlier.

Q: Which gender was easier to raise and why?
A: Boys, because girls are a lot more emotional and as they get older they get more and more needs. Boys don't usually fuss with their clothes or get involved with drama. They're more easy-going.

Q: Are you proud of how you raised your kids?
A: Yes. They are growing up to be very well rounded great kids. They are very kind and caring. But don't get me wrong, they can be fresh sometimes!

Q: If you could change something about them what would it be?
A: Nothing!

Q: What is the hardest part about parenting?
A: For me, its enforcing the punishments. I hate taking something away that you really want which is why you get away with a lot.

Q: What obligations come along with parenting?
A: Making sure that you are safe and happy, well adjusted individuals

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